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Soal SBMPTN 2018/2019 APK Download for Android
Soal SBMPTN 2018/2019 2.0 Icon

Soal SBMPTN 2018/2019

Solusi Ilmu Education
7 Ratings
Aug 13, 2018
release date
6.9 MB
file size

What's New

1. Perbaikan Aplikasi Bug

2. Penambahan Soal dan Pembahasan

3. Performance Improvement

About Soal SBMPTN 2018/2019 Android App

Soal SBMPTN 2018/2019
Soal Tes Ujian SBMPTN 2018/2019 Saintek Soshum dengan kunci jawaban lengkap

Soal SBMPTN 2018/2019 yang dikemas menarik dalam wadah media interaktif kuis berbasis edukasi android untuk mempersiapkan siswa-siswi SMA/MA bahkan SMK/MAK Indonesia dalam menghadapi SNMPTN atau SBMPTN.

Soal SBMPTN 2018/2019 hadir sebagai solusi tepat bagi siswa siswi dalam proses belajar dan berlatih dalam menghadapi Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri. Atau bisa digunakan untuk Ujian Seleksi Mandiri (USM) universitas favorite dan universitas unggulan.

Soal SBMPTN 2018/2019 ini akan menjadi bekal berharga bagi siswa dengan berbagai keunggulan berikut agar dapat sukses lolos ke PTN favorit di jurusan impian Anda.
Dan anda bisa mendapatkan beasiswa kuliah jika anda bisa lulus dengan nilai terbaik pada tes seleksi SBMPTN 2018/2019.

Atau bahkan anda bisa mendapatkan bantuan biaya kuliah lewat bidikmisi jika anda lulus sbmptn dengan nilai memuaskan dan nilai terbaik.

Untuk lulus SBMPTN 2018/2019 diperlukan banyak belajar dan berlatih mengerjakan soal. Proses belajar dan berlatih akan membentuk daya pikir dan kemampuan menganalisis soal dengan sendirinya.

Jika kedua hal tersebut telah didapatkan, siswa akan dapat mengerjakan soal-soal dengan solusi yang cepat dan tepat. Sukses Soal SBMPTN 2018/2019 hadir sebagai solusi tepat bagi siswa dalam proses belajar dan berlatih tersebut.

Mata pelajaran yang terdapat pada aplikasi Soal SBMPTN 2018/2019 ini diantaranya Fisika,Kimia,Biologi,Sosiologi,Ekonomi,Geografi, matematika,tpa.

Kelompok ujian tulis SBMPTN terbagi menjadi 3 (tiga) jenis, yaitu:
1. Kelompok Ujian Sains dan Teknologi (Saintek) dengan materi ujian TKPA dan TKD Saintek.
2. Kelompok Ujian Sosial dan Humaniora (Soshum) dengan materi ujian TKPA dan TKD Soshum.
3. Kelompok Ujian Campuran dengan materi ujian TKPA, TKD Saintek, dan TKD Soshum.
Setiap peserta dapat memilih kelompok ujian Saintek, Soshum, atau Campuran.
Ujian Tulis Berbasis Komputer (UTBK), yang dipilih salah 1 (satu) dari cara berikut:
UTBK menggunakan desktop (PC) yang disediakan panitia.

Materi Ujian Tulis terdiri atas:
a. Tes Kemampuan dan Potensi Akademik (TKPA) terdiri atas mata uji Matematika Dasar, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, TPA Verbal, TPA Numerikal, dan TPA Figural.
b. Tes Kemampuan Dasar Sains dan Teknologi (TKD Saintek) terdiri atas mata uji Matematika IPA, Biologi, Kimia, dan Fisika.
c. Tes Kemampuan Dasar Sosial dan Humaniora (TKD Soshum) terdiri atas mata uji Sosiologi, Sejarah, Geografi, dan Ekonomi.

Soal SBMPTN 2018 - Jitu, Akurat dan Pembahasan ini memiliki beberapa Kumpulan Soal, diantaranya :
1. Soal SBMPTN SOSHUM (Sosial dan Hukum)
2. Soal SBMPTN SAINTEK (Sains dan Teknologi)
3. Soal SBMPTN Bahasa Indonesia
4. Soal SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris
5. Soal SBMPTN Matematika
6. Soal SBMPTN TPA (Tes Potensi Akademik)
7. Soal SBMPTN Kemampuan Dasar

Dengan mata pelajaran di atas, terdapat paket paket soal yang mencakup seperti Try Out Soal SBMPTN 2018/2019, Simulasi Soal SBMPTN 2018/2019, Latihan Soal SBMPTN 2018/2019, Prediksi Soal SBMPTN 2018/2019.

Semua soal yang kami sediakan lengkap dengan kunci jawaban SBMPTN dan pembahasan SBMPTN 2018 Lengkap.

Soal-soal dalam Sukses Soal SBMPTN 2018/2019 ini berasal dari soal-soal SNMPTN dan SBMPTN tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Soal-soal yang keluar memang tidak sama persis setiap tahunnya. Namun, tingkat kesulitan, tipe, dan karakter soal yang muncul tidak akan jauh berbeda dari yang umumnya tersaji dalam ujian.

Dengan banyak berlatih mengerjakan soal-soal tersebut, Anda akan menjadi terbiasa dan tentunya peluang untuk diterima di perguruan tinggi yang diidamkan semakin besar.

Anda pasti akan mendapatkan gambaran seperti apa kira-kira soal yang akan muncul di SBMPTN nanti.
Download Soal SBMPTN 2018/2019 Sekarang juga.smbptn, smnptn, snmptn, sbmptn, soal ptn, sbm ptn, tes ptnProblem SBMPTN 2018/2019
Exam Test Questions SBMPTN 2018/2019 Saintek Soshum with a complete answer key

Problem SBMPTN 2018/2019 interesting packaged in containers interactive media quiz android-based education to prepare high school students / MA even SMK / MAK Indonesia in facing SNMPTN or SBMPTN.

Problem SBMPTN 2018/2019 comes as a perfect solution for students in the learning process and practice in the face of the Joint Selection of State Universities. Or it could be used for the Independent Selection Exam (USM) favorite universities and leading universities.

2018/2019 SBMPTN this matter will be a valuable provision for students with all the following advantages in order to successfully qualify for state universities majors favorites in your dreams.
And you can get a college scholarship if you can graduate with the best grades in the selection tests SBMPTN 2018/2019.

Or even you can get tuition assistance if you pass through bidikmisi sbmptn with satisfactory grades and good value.

2018/2019 SBMPTN required to pass a lot of study and practice work on the problems. The process of learning and practice will form the power of thought and the ability to analyze the problem by itself.

If both of these have been obtained, students will be able to work on the problems with solutions that quickly and accurately. Problem SBMPTN 2018/2019 success comes as the perfect solution for students in learning and practicing it.

Subjects contained in the application's About SBMPTN 2018/2019 including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Sociology, Economics, Geography, Mathematics, tpa.

SBMPTN written test group was divided into three (3) types, namely:
1. Examination of Science and Technology Group (Saintek) with test materials and TKD Saintek TKPA.
2. Social and Humanities Trials Group (Soshum) with test materials and TKD Soshum TKPA.
3. Trials Group TKPA mixture with test material, TKD Saintek, and TKD Soshum.
Each participant can choose a test group Saintek, Soshum, or Mix.
Write a Computer-Based Exams (UTBK), the selected one of 1 (one) of the following ways:
UTBK using a desktop (PC) provided by the organizers.

Exams Writing materials consisting of:
a. Ability Test and Academic Potential (TKPA) consists of Basic Math test eye, Indonesian, English, landfill Verbal, Numerical landfill, and landfill figural.
b. Basic Ability Test of Science and Technology (TKD Saintek) consists of a test eye Mathematics and Natural Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
c. Basic Ability Test of Social and Humanities (TKD Soshum) consists of a test eye Sociology, History, Geography and Economics.

Problem SBMPTN 2018 - Jitu, Accurate and this discussion has some set of matter, such as:
1. Problem SBMPTN SOSHUM (Social and Legal)
2. Problem SBMPTN Saintek (Science and Technology)
3. Problem SBMPTN Indonesian
4. Problem SBMPTN English
5. SBMPTN Math Problem
6. Problem SBMPTN TPA (Academic Potential Test)
7. Problem SBMPTN Basic Capabilities

With the above subjects, there is a bundled package that includes such questions Try Out Problem SBMPTN 2018/2019, 2018/2019 SBMPTN Simulation Questions, Exercises SBMPTN 2018/2019, 2018/2019 SBMPTN Prediction Problem.

All the matter that we provide complete with answer keys and discussion SBMPTN Complete SBMPTN 2018.

Problems in 2018/2019 SBMPTN Problem Success comes from questions SNMPTN and SBMPTN previous years. The questions that came out was not exactly the same every year. However, the level of difficulty, type, and character problems that arise will not be much different from what is generally presented in the exam.

With a lot of practice working on the problems, you will become accustomed to and of course the opportunity to be accepted in college desirable even greater.

You will definitely get an idea of ​​what about problems that will arise in SBMPTN later.
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Other Information:

Requires Android:
Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich MR1, API 15)
Other Sources:


This version of Soal SBMPTN 2018/2019 Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Aug 13, 2018)
Minimum OS
Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich MR1, API 15)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

All Versions

If you are looking to download other versions of Soal SBMPTN 2018/2019 Android App, We have 2 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.
