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Sound Alert Application, measures the sound levels of Surroundings in Decibels, displays the sound level in decibels , plots chart and also display the sound level using a progress bar.
measures sound level and display the decibels, plot a graph, and a progress bar
CanAlert in various ways when sound level exceeds the user settings. ( Play Sound, Vibrate, Camera flash)
Can record the sound data when the Sound level exceeds the threshold. CSV file saves the data in decibels, audio saves 10 second Audio clip.
Share the data files.
This app has numerous day to day applications. Use your phone as a security device, snore detector, noise alert, sound alert, sound meter, sound detector.
First screen Displays the sound level in Decibels, Displays sound level as a bar on the right side and plots a scrolling chart of the sound level.
Click the Settings to setup Alerts.
You can select the level of sound you want to be alerted about. “Ultra Sound Alert” is very sensitive (example : Normal room conversations ) and will alert you even for low sounds. “High Sound Alert” is the least sensitive and will alert only when the sound level is very Loud (example : Very Loud Music).
The App can Alert you in multiple ways, when the Sound level exceeds your setting, It can play a sound, vibrate and blink the camera flash.
Advanced screen allows you to record the sound level when it exceeds your set limit, to a Excel/Csv file or record 10 second audio clips. Clicking on My data button will show the recorded Files, you can view your data, play the audio clips and share. Audio files are created in a directory with date so you can easily access the files for a particular date. The Excel/CSV file is named with the date, and records time and measured decibel level.
This version of Sound Alert Pro Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Sound Alert Pro Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.