* Bugfixes
The numbers of surveillance cameras in our streets are exploding, we are watched everywhere. Advanced technologies like face recognition hang like damocles' sword above out heads, giving authorities and corporations immense power. We don't want to this world to become a distopian nightmare, so we spot back. Locate CCTV security cameras or other surveillance equipment in public space and put it on the map - just to be known. What is not hidden anymore can be seen by many.
Surveillance can be a dangerous development and works against democratic principles of freedom and the right for privacy. By spotting CCTV Cameras, we can build a location based directory to uncover the amount of CCTVs, watching us every day.
Spot CCTV Cams | Surveillance is a non-profit SPOTTERON smartphone app.
You can find technical support @ www.spotteron.com/forum
This version of Spot CCTV Cams | Surveillance Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Spot CCTV Cams | Surveillance Android App, We have 4 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.