Moved to SDK 33
Know your future through tarot card readings! We have daily tarot reading as well as weekly & monthly. Use Yes or No Oracle for a quick answer. See where your relationship goes with love tarot card reader spread. You can also ask questions about Career, Finance, Past, Advice, Goal Achievement, or anything you want to know. Want to be a love tarot card reader? Learn about fortune telling through tarot card reading (Cartomancy) as we explain the meaning of the cards in the detailed descriptions for all the cards in the decks (Tarot, Lenormand, Playing cards).
Fortune telling and psychic readings are useful to help you gain insight about yourself or learn about your past and future. Cartomancy is a classic divination tool that can give you an in-depth answer to the question you ask. Tarot Card Magic is an app that uses cartomancy and its esoteric power to help you divine your future.
=== Features of Tarot Card Magic - Physic Readings Spiritual ===
● Digital Fortune Telling that you can use anytime, anywhere.
● Three types of decks: Tarot, Lenormand, Playing Cards.
● Simple to use with great app design.
● Follows classic esoteric knowledge about Tarot card.
● Get advice for love, life, career, family, finance, etc.
● Gain insight about yourself and your situation.
● Learn about each card and its meaning.
Available spreads:
1. Past Present Future Tarot spread
2. Yes or No Oracle Tarot Spread
3. Romance / Love Tarot Card reader spread (Seven-card star spread)
4. Money Tarot spread
5. The Chariot Tarot Spread
6. Career Tarot spread
7. Weekly Tarot spread
8. The Celtic Cross Layout
9. Card of The day (Daily reading) Lenormand spread
10. Lenorman Advice Spread
11. Four card Lenorman spread
12. Lenormand Love spread
13. Monthly Playing cards spread
14. Ultimate Playing cards spread
If you need spiritual guidance everyday, we recommend you get the daily tarot reading every morning before you start your activity.
So, what are you waiting for? Try Tarot Card Magic - Physic Readings Spiritual now!
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This release of Tarot Card Magic Readings Android App available in 2 variants. Please select the variant to download. Please read our FAQ to find out which variant is suitable for your Android device based on Screen DPI and Processor Architecture.
If you are looking to download other versions of Tarot Card Magic Readings Android App, We have 10 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.