Introducing Invite & Earn
Stability & Performance improvements
UI/UX enhancements.
Technology Education & Research Integrated Institutions (TERII) was founded in 2007, under the aegis of the ‘Gyankund Trust To Educate And To Serve’, with the clear aim and purpose to serve humanity through the means of spreading enlightenment and education, has rapidly emerged as a destination where a student’s overall personality, intellectual and spiritual development is carefully nurtured and actively encouraged. TERII provides a holistic learning experience from school level to post graduate level technical education. The campus has Engineering, Management, Diploma, CBSE affiliated residential school and a skill development centre. A separate Charity school and a Charity dispensary is also the part of the campus. Students from all across the country representing diverse culture are part of the campus giving it a national recognition. The founders had a clear and well defined mission – to build an unaided, self – financed Institute committed to deliver education of internationally recognized standards, an Institute that would go on to serve as an intellectual resource base in India and the sub-continent. TERII in collaboration with uLektz Learning Solutions Private Limited introduces BYOD and offline access supported cloud based platform to facilitate mobile learning exclusively for the students . Students can register and login to this app to access their respective course study materials, get important notification messages and calendar of events and time table. The students can also access their account using the web-browsers from the following URL:
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This version of TERII Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of TERII Android App, We have 4 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.