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TEDxBacau APK Download for Android
TEDxBacau 1.0 Icon


ercisApp Education
7 Ratings
Aug 12, 2016
release date
20.1 MB
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What's New

About TEDxBacau Android App

In doar doua editii TEDxBacau a strans zece ore de discursuri live, 21 de speakeri, peste 450 de participanti si peste 10000 de vizualizari ale discursurilor pe Youtube.

Experienta TEDx revine in Bacau pentru a treia oara sambata, 10 octombrie, de aceasta data pe scena Salii Amfiteatru din cadrul Centrului de Afaceri si Expozitii Bacau.

Tema din acest an este HUMAN NATURE: oamenii au in mod natural caracteristici similare dar in acelasi timp distinctive precum modul de gandi, de a simti sau de a actiona. Deci, ce este pana la urma natura umana? Cine suntem noi, cum credem, cum simtim si cum actionam? Care sunt limitele noastre, si cum le putem depasi?

Cei 12 vorbitorii TEDxBacau vor incerca sa ofere un raspuns. Oameni de stiinta ce au descoperit modele si conexiuni in modul in care functionam, activisti sociali ce au gasit noi modalitati de a schimba comportamentul nostru, inventatori ce lucreaza la noi instrumente pentru a spori capacitatile noastre, artisti care prin creatiile lor ne retrezesc la viata.

Doisprezece oameni care isi vor împartasi ideile si experientele personale, modalitatile prin care au trecut peste momentele de ezitare si peste greutatile pe care le-au intampinat in drumul lor spre succes, oameni care, cu viata lor ne arata amploarea experientei umane.

Misiunea noastra este de a deveni un stimul pentru actiunile viitoare ale participantilor, oferindu-le, prin puterea exemplului, motivatia necesara pentru a face o schimbare, atat la nivel personal, cat si la nivelul intregii comunitati.

Astfel, cei peste 300 de participanti vor avea posibilitatea de a descoperi noi modalitati prin care isi pot folosi abilitatile pentru a-si creiona propriul drum de la o simpla idee, la o adevarata poveste de succes.In just two editions TEDxBacau raised ten hours of live speeches, 21 speakers, over 450 participants and over 10,000 views of speeches on Youtube.

TEDx experience lies in Bacau for the third time on Saturday, October 10, this time on stage Amphitheater Hall of the Center of Business and Exhibitions Bacau.

This year's theme is Human Nature: people naturally have similar characteristics but at the same time as distinctive way of thinking, feeling and acting. So what it is after all human nature? Who we are, how we think, how we feel and how we act? What are our limitations, and how can we overcome them?

The 12 speakers TEDxBacau will try to provide an answer. Scientists who have discovered patterns and connections in how we function, social activists who have found new ways to change our behavior, inventors working on new tools to enhance our capabilities, artists created works we reawakened to life.

Twelve people will share their ideas and personal experiences, ways that went over moments of hesitation over the hardships they encountered on their way to successful people, their lives show us the extent of human experience.

Our mission is to become a stimulus for future actions of participants, giving them, by example, motivation to make a change, both on the personal level and in our community.
Thus, over 300 participants will be able to discover new ways you can use their skills in order to outline his own way from a simple idea to a real success story.

Other Information:

Package Name:
Requires Android:
Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API 14)
Other Sources:


This version of TEDxBacau Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Aug 12, 2016)
Minimum OS
Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API 14)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

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