This book provides a wonderful picture of the Catholic Faith, showing its reasonableness, comprehensiveness, beauty and charm. This book was composed as a source book for sermons; a thorough explanation of the catechism and a full statement of the Faith. Pure, unadulterated Roman Catholic doctrine with a clarity and amazing thoroughness. This is the authoritative Council of Trent catechism.
A wonderful addition to anyone's home library, to be referred to many times – and passed down to future generations.
In general this catechism is divided into three parts:
a) the first part treats of faith,
b) the second of morals,
b) the third of the means of grace.
In the first part our Lord appears in his character of teacher; in the second in his character of Kings; and in the third in his character of high priest. And since this catechism proposes as its primary object to answer the question, for what purpose are we here upon earth, thereby emphasizing and giving prominence demands high calling in destiny, it is especially suited to the present-day, when the pursuit of material interests, self-indulgence and pleasure, engrosses the attention of so many.
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