Ver1.0.1 2013/04/16
・最新更新日時に加え、新規作成日時(Create date)を保存するよう変更。
・テキストボックスにHint textを追加(Data nameは"入力必須(Must be entered)"、それ他は"任意(option)")。
Ver1.0.0 2013/04/14
◆アプリ名: TinyDB_MIT_AI (十二星座シリーズ / 開発コード名: Cancer)
そんなとき、MIT App Inventor ではTinyDBを使用します。
なお、本アプリは内蔵メモリではなく、SDカードにインストールされます。また、本アプリは、MIT App Inventor V1.33(※2)で製造し、AppToMarket V3.2(※3)でリビルド したノンコーディングなものです。
(1) ""(Null)のみをデータ名として使用できません。
(2) 数字のみをデータ名として使用できません。
(3) ","(半角カンマ)を含む文字列をデータ名として使用できません。
本シリーズは、私がMIT App Inventorの APIを理解したいと考え、製造したアプリ群です。
ただし、アプリのロジックとして、MIT App Inventor Blocks Editorの図を私のHPに公開させて頂こうと考えております。
※1 TinyDBとは、文字通り「小さなデータベース」です。ただし、本格的なデータベースというわけではありません。TinyDBの機能を簡単に整理する と以下のようになります。
※2 MIT App Inventor V1.33
※3 AppToMarketV3.2
※4 TinyDBはデータ削除ができません。
この動作を本アプリでは"削除"機能としました。◆ application name: TinyDB_MIT_AI (codenamed Series / twelve constellations: Cancer)
It is a simple free app to record the (※ 1) TinyDB body size is a simple database.
I think you may want to keep the previous state and memos, the app also any information.
At such time, use the TinyDB in MIT App Inventor.
Now, as an example of the use TinyDB, I tried to produce an app that body size or recording information, or to edit. Not only for yourself, if you record the information on the size of the whole family, you can take advantage of when you might be shopping.
It should be noted that this application is not a built-in memory, which is installed in the SD card. We also manufacture in (※ 2) MIT App Inventor V1.33, this application is intended to rebuild in a non-coding (※ 3) AppToMarket V3.2.
[Services Provided]
TinyDB is a simple database to record the following body size.
Also you can also select the data recorded in the past, to load.
It is also possible to edit the data that you load and save it.
In addition, (※ 4), it is also possible to select the data excluded from the pseudo deleted data that has been recorded in the past.
- Neck (Neck)
- Chest (Chest)
- West (Waist)
- Hip (Hips)
- Inseam (Inseam)
★ Limitations
(1) "" can not be used as the name of the only data (Null).
We can not be used as the name of the numeric data only (2).
(3) "," can not be used as a string containing the name of the data (comma characters).
About the series] twelve constellations
I want to understand the API of MIT App Inventor I, this series is a suite of applications that were produced.
Therefore, for the purpose of emphasis, it may not be practical ... but this series, please forgive me.
However, we are considered as the logic of the app, let me try to publish to my HP figure MIT App Inventor Blocks Editor.
It would be greatly appreciated if you become your reference.
[FAQ] after download
Ability to remove data that is stored in the TinyDB is currently April 2013 are not available.
For Android [applications] If you want to completely remove this app TinyDB data - Select this app from the Management screen of the application, press the button [Delete Data].
[Support] terminal
Available at terminals with version 2.0 or higher of AndroidOS.
Devices other than smartphones (such as smart TV), is not guaranteed.
※ The 1 TinyDB, is "small database" literally. However, this does not mean a full-fledged database. You will be easily organized with the following features of TinyDB.
• Only to save the value name
• You can save only the text or list
Search and is done using the tag
· Although you can not change or delete the data
※ 2 MIT App Inventor V1.33
※ 3 AppToMarketV3.2
※ 4 TinyDB can not delete data.
When you press a button to select the data to be deleted, the data to be made it does not appear in the list to be selected later.
The features and "delete" this app this behavior.
This version of TinyDB_MIT_AI Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of TinyDB_MIT_AI Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.