Tips Membeli Smartphone Android Bekas/ Second
Tips Sebelum Membeli Smartphone dan Tablet Android Bekas/ Second. Smartphone merupakan alat komunikasi pintar yang menjadi trend anak muda masa kini. Smartphone sudah menjadi hal wajib yang harus dimiliki semua orang, pasalnya dengan smartphone, aktifitas harian jauh lebih mudah dan lebih cepat. Para pelajar, karyawan kantor, pebinis online, dan bahkan petani-pun sekarang sudah memiliki smartphone.
Di balik kecanggihan smartphone tentu harga baru juga lumayan mahal, minimal uang 1 juta keatas harus di persiapkan untuk membeli smartphone android baru, itupun kelasnya masih kelas biasa, belum yang high class.
Uang Saya Sedikit Tapi Saya Ingin Punya Smartphone Yang Handal, Apa Solusinya?
Tenang, apabila uang anda sedikit anda bisa membeli smartphone android bekas alias second. Jangan khawatir masalah performa, jika anda pintar dalam memilih smartphone bakas maka performa dan kualitas hardware tetap masih bagus. Keuntungan membeli smartphone bekas pasti harganya akan turun minimal 20% atau 30% dari harga. Walaupun tidak bisa mencium bau harumnya smartphone baru, tapi setidaknya anda bisa mencoba dan memakai smartphone android.
Ada beberapa pertimbangan sebelum anda membeli smartphone android bekas agar nantinya anda tidak tertipu dengan barang rusak atau barang palsu. Berikut 10 pertimbangan dalam membeli smartphone android baru.
1. Cek Kondisi Fisik Smartphone
2. Pastikan Semuanya Masih Lengkap
3. Spesifikasi Smartphone
4. Cek Nomor IMEI
5. Cek Sinyal Android
6. Cek Versi OS Yang Terpasang
7. Cek Harga Pasaran
8. Garansi ProdukTips on Buying a Used Android Smartphone / Second
Tips Before Buying Android Smartphone and Tablet Used / Second. Smartphones are smart communication tools that become the trend of young people today. Smartphone has become mandatory to be owned by everyone, the article with smartphones, daily activities much easier and faster. Students, office workers, pebinis online, and even farmers are now own a smartphone.
Behind the smartphone sophistication of the new price is also quite expensive, a minimum of 1 million or more money must be prepared to buy a new android smartphone, and even then the class is a regular class, not the high class.
Money My Little But I Want to Have Smartphone Reliable, What is the Solution?
Quiet, if you are a little money you can buy a used alias android smartphone second. Do not worry about performance issues, if you are smart in choosing a smartphone Bakas then fixed hardware performance and quality is still good. The advantage of buying a used smartphone surely the price will drop at least 20% or 30% of the price. Although it can not smell the fragrance of the new smartphone, but at least you can try and use android smartphone.
There are some considerations before you buy a used android smartphone so that you will not be fooled by defective or counterfeit goods. Here are 10 considerations in buying a new android smartphone.
1. Check Physical Condition Smartphone
2. Ensure Everything is Still Full
3. Specifications Smartphone
4. Check IMEI number
5. Check the Signal Android
6. Check the version of OS You Installed
7. Check the Market Prices
8. Product Warranty
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