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election 2015 news ----still to be updated
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Important Update
Many of us get put off by the registration process, finding it cumbersome. But technology has helped remove this barrier. You can now register as a voter from the comforts of your home/office in just 10mins.
Here are the steps to apply for Voter ID card. If you face any problem in applying, please send mail to VoterID
Go to
Browse to E-Registration > Form 6 (same form is used to apply new and constituency change)
Fill form 8 to change the address in same constituency.
Fill in your details and upload a photograph.
Don't forget to fill the email id and phone number in the form.
Click the "Translate" button to fill in the Telugu fields and then Submit.
Note your Application ID for future reference.
For Indians residing overseas
You can fill the attached form and send it to the concerned ERO
The application should be submitted directly to the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) of the constituency within which the place of ordinary residence of the applicant as given in the valid passport falls. The Application in Form 6A can be presented in person to the ERO or sent by post addressed to the ERO concerned.
[ The particulars and postal address of the EROs of all the constituencies of India can be seen on the website of Election Commission of India ( ]
In AP the details of EROs can be obtained at
After approximately two months check the status at E-Registration -> Know your Status. It will have details on which e-seva centre you need to go to collect the physical Voter ID card.
Please note:
Photo size should not be more then 100KB, so you may need to resize it. Upload the photo from the location of saved picture.
Once you get the application ID, please help two more of your friends apply and ask them to do the same. This way exponentially soon all the Indians will have voter id card to elect the better people.
Join Facebook group to know the steps for other states.
In case you are interested in organizing voter registration camps at your office/society and need help from Let’s Volunteers please do get in touch with us at: / or ITsAP secretariat at 040 64532711/9246500952.
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If you are looking to download other versions of Totem India election 2015 news Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.