added amenities
Traveling to new place or a destination was never this easy, Triptoli provides you with abundance of knowledge about the destination using location based technology.
In-Itinerary – Best Companion that you can ever find. Enjoy our location and time based recommendations.
Be guided by your intelligent companion 'In-Itinerary' throughout your journey. Enhance your awareness about your surroundings, places of interest (POI), directions to a destination or real time changes in your schedule.
Why use TripToli >>
- Create your Itinerary by own using our AI based technology and recommended POI's.
- Get Information about any place in text and audio format.
- Real time execution of your travel itinerary that includes start time, waiting time and exit time of your travel.
- Book a tour guide or monument guide using app.
- Get instant notifications of nearby shops and food restaurant. Avail coupons and save money!
- Find nearby amenities and their information based on your current location.
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