Uji Kompetensi Perawat  2018 4.0 Icon

Uji Kompetensi Perawat 2018

cakrawala pengetahuan Education
18 Ratings
Aug 10, 2018
release date
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What's New

1. Perbaikan Aplikasi

2. Penambahan Soal dan Pembahasan

3. Performance Improvement

About Uji Kompetensi Perawat 2018 Android App

Uji Kompetensi Perawat 2018

Aplikasi Uji Kompetensi Perawat 2018 adalah Aplikasi pendidikan/edukasi yang berisi kumpulan Soal Uji Kompetensi Perawat yang sangat lengkap dan praktis. Serta berisi Kumpulan Soal Uji Kompetensi Perawat dan Ners (UKOM Perawat), Kisi-Kisi, Prediksi dan Bocoran Soal Uji Kompetensi Perawat dan Ners 2018 Terbaru.Uji Kompetensi Perawat 2018 selain memiliki Soal Uji Kompetensi Perawat atau UKOM DIII Perawat, tetapi dilengkapi bahan/ Materi Keperawatan Terbaru 2018.Keperawatan lahir sebagai bentuk keinginan menjaga seseorang tetap sehat dan memberikan nyaman, pelayanan dan keamanan orang sakit. praktik keperawatan dipengaruhi perubahan kebutuhan masyarakat, sehingga berkembang bertahap.

Dengan menginstall atau memasng aplikasi Uji Kompetensi Perawat - Terbaru 2018 ini diharapkan memudahkan para perawat di seluruh indonesia dalam belajar persiapan Ujian Kompetensi Perawat. Bertujuan dapat membantu semua Perawat Indonesia atau Profesi Ners di seluruh Indonesia sebagai bahan untuk persiapan menghadapi Ujian Kompetensi Perawat dan Ners 2018.Semoga Aplikasi Uji Kompetensi Perawat - Terbaru 2018 ini berguna bagi semua Perawat Di Seluruh Indonesia.
1. Materi Keperawatan seperti :
- Asma Bronkhiale
- Penatalaksanaan DM ( Diabetes Milletus )
- Penatalaksanaan Gastritis
- Penatalaksanaan Hipertensi ( darah tinggi )
- Penatalaksanaan ISPA ( infeksi saluran pernafasan akut )
- Typhoid Abdominalis
- Transfusi Darah
- Pemasangan NGT ( Nasogastric tube )
- Penjahitan Luka
- Penjahitan Luka
- Perawatan Luka
- Pengangkatan Jahitan
- Ekstraksi Kuku
- Irigasi Mata
- Visum Et Repertum
- Pemasangan Kateter
- Pemasangan EKG
- Melakukan Suction
- Pemasangan Implant
- Pencabutan Implant
- Hecting Perineum
- Pemasangan AKDR
- Huknah Glycerin
- Pemberian Obat Intracutan
- Pemberian Obat Intramuscular
- Pemberian Obat Intravena
- Pemberian Obat Subcutan
- IK terkait UGD, poli KIA / KB, Fisioterapi, Poli Umum, Radiologi, Rawat Inap, Promosi kesehetan ( promkes )

2. SOP Tindakan Keperawatan
berikut SOP yang terdapat dalam aplikasi ini:
SOP pemeriksaan fisik abdomen (inspeksi dan auskultasi)
SOP pemeriksaan fisik abdomen (palpasi dan perkusi)
SOP menyiapkan tempat tidur tanpa klien
SOP mengganti alat tenun tanpa memindahkan klien
SOP memandikan klien di atas tempat tidur
SOP memelihara kebersihan mulut
SOP membersihkan mulut/ oral hygine
SOP merawat gigi palsu
SOP menyisir rambut
SOP merawat mata
SOP merawat telinga
SOP vibrilasi dada
SOP mencuci rambut
SOP memberikan bedpan
SOP mencuci tangan biasa
SOP menggunakan saruing tangan
SOP huknah/enema
SOP perawatan kateter menetap (wanita)
SOP perawatan kateter menetap (pria)
SOP menilai pernapasan
SOP pemberian oksigen dengan kanule nasal
SOP melatih nafas dalam dan batuk efektif
SOP pemeriksaan dada/paru
SOP latihan aktif
SOP range of motion (rom)
SOP membantu klien bangun dari tempat tidur
SOP memindahkan klien dari tempat tidur ke kursi roda
SOP berjalan dengan kruk
SOP memindakan klien dari tempat tidur ke tempat tidur lain (brankart)
SOP posisi fowler
SOP posisi trendelenburg
SOP posisi sims
SOP posisi lithotomy
SOP posisi dorsal recumbent
SOP mengukur suhu badan
SOP mengukur suhu badan dan menghitung frekuensi nafas
SOP menghitung frekuensi nadi dan menghitung tekanan darah

Selain Soal Uji Kompetensi Perawat dan Ners 2017 kami juga memiliki Aplikasi :
1. Uji Kompetensi Ners
2. UKOM Bidan
3. UKOM Perawat
4. UKOM DIII Perawat
5. Uji Kompetensi Guru - Soal UKG 2018
6. Uji Kompetensi Perawat
7. Uji Kompetensi Perawat dan lainnya.

Setelah meng-Install aplikasi Uji Kompetensi Perawat - Terbaru 2018 ini mohon bantuannya untuk memberikan 5 Bintang...!! Semoga bermanfaat go ji go...ibarat pantun melayu menuntut ilmu ke negeri cina tuntutlah ilmu setinggi cakrawala dilangit jangan setinggi tiang listrik. Semoga membawa keberkahan bagi kita semua terutama untuk kids jaman now sebuah aplikasi yang cocok untuk perawat yang belum lulus Ukom Keperawatan..aamiin..terimakasih.Nurse Competency Test in 2018

Nurse Competency Test 2018 application is the application of education / education that contains a collection of Nurse Competency Test Problems very complete and practical. And contains Competency Test set Problem Nurses and Nurses (Nurse UKOM), Grid, Prediction and Leakage Problem Nurses and Nurses Competency Test 2018 2018 Nurse Competence Terbaru.Uji besides having Competency Test Problems UKOM DIII nurse or nurse, but include materials / Materials Recent nursing 2018.Keperawatan born as a form of desire keep a person healthy and provide a comfortable, service and security for the sick. influenced nursing practice changing needs of society, so that it develops gradually.

By installing or application memasng Nurse Competency Test - Latest 2018 is expected to facilitate the nurses throughout Indonesia in learning Nurse Competency Exam preparation. Aims to help all Indonesian nurse or nurses profession throughout Indonesia as a material to prepare for Caregivers and Nurses Competency Exam 2018.Semoga Nurse Competency Test Application - New in 2018 is useful for all nurses in all of Indonesia.
1. Material Nursing such as:
- Asthma Bronkhiale
- Management of DM (Diabetes Milletus)
- Management of Gastritis
- Management of Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Management of ARI (acute respiratory infection)
- Typhoid Abdominal
- Blood transfusion
- Installation of NG (nasogastric tube)
- Tailoring Luka
- Tailoring Luka
- Injury cure
- Appointment Stitches
- Extraction Nails
- Irrigation Eyes
- post mortem
- Installation Catheter
- Installation of ECG
- Doing Suction
- Installation of implants
- Revocation Implant
- Hecting perineum
- IUD insertion
- Huknah Glycerin
- Dispensing intracutan
- Dispensing Intramuscular
- Intravenous Drug
- Dispensing subcutan
- IK related ER, poly KIA / KB, Physiotherapy, General Poli, Radiology, Hospitalization, Promotion kesehetan (Promkes)

2. SOP Nursing Actions
The following SOPs contained in this app:
SOP physical examination of the abdomen (inspection and auscultation)
SOP abdominal physical examination (palpation and percussion)
SOP prepare a bed without client
SOP replace looms without moving the client
SOP bathe clients on the bed
SOP maintain oral hygiene
SOP cleanse the mouth / oral hygine
SOP caring for dentures
SOP comb
SOP care for eyes
SOP treating the ears
SOP vibrilasi chest
SOP washing hair
SOP gives bedpan
SOP regular hand washing
SOP using hand saruing
SOP huknah / enema
SOP permanent catheter care (women)
SOP permanent catheter care (men)
SOP assess breathing
SOP administration of oxygen by nasal kanule
SOP practice deep breathing and effective cough
SOP examination of the chest / lung
SOP active exercise
SOP range of motion (ROM)
SOP help clients get out of bed
SOP move a client from bed to wheelchair
SOP walk with crutches
SOP memindakan clients from the bed to another bed (brankart)
SOP position Fowler
SOP Trendelenburg position
SOP position sims
SOP lithotomy position
SOP dorsal recumbent position
SOP measure body temperature
SOP measure body temperature and calculate the frequency of breathing
SOP calculating the pulse rate and blood pressure calculating

Besides Problem Nurses and Nurses Competency Test in 2017 we also have Application:
1. Nurses Competency Test
2. UKOM Midwives
3. UKOM Nurses
4. UKOM DIII Nurses
5. Teacher Competency Test - About UKG 2018
6. Nurse Competency Test
7. Competency Test Nurses and others.

After clicking Install applications Nurse Competency Test - The Latest 2018 please help to give a 5-star ... !! Hopefully useful ji go go ... like poetry wither country to study in China Seek knowledge not as high as high as the heavens horizon electric pole. We wish to bring blessings to us all, especially for kids age now a great application for nurses who have not passed Ukom Keperawatan..aamiin..terimakasih.

Other Information:

Requires Android:
Android 4.0.3 and up
Other Sources:


This version of Uji Kompetensi Perawat 2018 Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Aug 10, 2018)
Minimum OS
Android 4.0.3 and up
Screen DPI
nodpi (all screens)

All Versions

If you are looking to download other versions of Uji Kompetensi Perawat 2018 Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.
