★Note★ This app uses the Device Administrator permission : We will ask you to grant this permission in the app in a very clear way so that the app will be able to lock your device and nothing more .
★ Ultimate Wavelock is another Tool from our Full App >> Ultimate Tools
★ Total Functional Wave Lock , Tested On Many Devices So Far
★ Lock & Wake Up The phone So No need To use the Power button Any more
★★ Although it may not work on devices which haven't the appropriate sensors
★ Uninstall Tip
To Uninstall The APP Make Sure That WaveLock Admin Permissions Are Disabled
Please note that this is a free app with ads.
***Thanks For Using Our APP, Waiting For Your Ratings To Make Us Provide You With the best Experience***
Much Appreciation goes to Those Magnificent Creators
Ceryle(Ege Aker) Segmented button Library
Dean Wild MaterialShowcaseView Library
Icons Designed By "Madebyoliver" From Flaticon
if you have any feedback or question Please E-mail us On m.mubarak93@yahoo.com
Or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ultimatetoolsmemo
This version of Ultimate WaveLock Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Ultimate WaveLock Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.