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Urdututs is a reliable name in the area of web education and web development training. Urdututs is a completely free online education hub for those residing in Pakistan and want to learn about latest Softwares, web designing and development, graphics designing and development and online marketing, all that mother tongue, URDU.
Urdututs was developed keeping in mind the common public of Pakistan and how to make quality education and web development techniques accessible to them in them most easy manner. Its founder, Mudasir Nazar have an experience of about 5+ years in the area of Website development and graphic designing and his expertise on many latest soft wares such as Adobe Muse CC , Adobe Photoshop CC, and languages such as JAVA and HTML is enormous.
The quality of free tutorials offered by Urdututs is nowhere to be found elsewhere in Pakistan, with its database and content updating at regular intervals. At Urdututs you can always rely on the latest of software teaching, with quality examples and “Do it yourself” exercises. All the content offered by Urdututs is completely FREE of COST with the targeted audience, the common public, and youth of Pakistan.
This version of Urdu Tuts Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Urdu Tuts Android App, We have 4 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.