Video & photo downloader is an app with easy to use user experience with which you can download Instagram videos. Instagram downloader has feature which revolve around the best possible solution to download instagram video. The key feature in video downloader for instagram is to download video from instagram as well as also see the history of downloaded videos from instagram. There are two different tabs in instagram video downloader for instasave video and photo. Besides save instagram videos, insta video & photo downloader app as the name suggests also work as image downloader for instagram.
The usage of our insta video & photo downloader is very simple and is given below.
Scroll the instagram videos for searching to download video from instagram. Simply copy the URL of the video you wish to download using instaget.
As the URL is copied from instaget, now open the insta video and photo downloader app and paste the URL by clicking on the paste button in instagram video download app.
Wait for a while to let app search for instagram download video and load it in the insta video & photo downloader app. As the video appear which you want to download using instagram video downloader scroll at the bottom of the video in video downloader for instagram. There are two buttons, one is for download instagram video and the other one for REPOST the instasave post.
Choose the option you want to do with the video appeared in instagram video downloader. If you choose to download instagram video, click on the DOWNLOAD button. The download video instagram will start and your video will be downloaded in a short while.
After the video is downloaded through video downloader for instagram, a notification will pop up in the screen notifying you about the instagram download video.
You can now see the downloaded video in the video tab of the instagram downloader app.
Instasave photo and video downloader is an app the can also be used to for insta photo download.
The Process of image downloader for instagram to download the instagram photos is also the same as for instagram download for videos.
Furthermore you can also repost with our instagram repost option.
The company UI team along with the developing team has work hard and efficiently to develop an instagram video downloader app that is user friendly, decent UI design and fast enough to download videos from instagram. Our company is a small group of people who work to provide the benefit and ease to the user. Download instagram videos is one of the product we have worked on. Download instagram videos was made on priority bases to see the demand of user across the globe who wanted an instagram downloader. Besides insta downloader we are also developing new apps.
Please feel free to contact our team regarding save instagram videos and if you have any kind of suggestion for insta video & photo downloader contact us at
This version of Video and Photo Downloader Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Video and Photo Downloader Android App, We have 10 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.