An demonstration of Volley - HTTP library announced by google in I/O 2013.
Google has come up with Volley interface which helps developers to handle all the network related operations so that developers can concentrate implementing the business logic after the HTTP response is obtained.Also having less code for network calls helps developer reduce number of bugs.
NOTE Volley is not good for larger file download/upload operations as well video streaming operations.
Key features of the Volley are below
- Develop Super fast networked applications for android.
- Schedules all your HTTP requests running them parallely in background threads and manages those threads.
- Gives you flexible ways to run your networking requests concurrently with synchronization.
- Comes with inbuilt JSON parsing the response.
- Set prioirty for requests.
- Retry policy for timeout,certain ERROR codes as Internal Server error.
- Flexible Request cancellations.
- Memory & Disk Caching for images.Batch dispatch to Image Downloads.
- Flexible in giving your own cache implementations.
- You can include your own HTTPStack ( to handle SSL connections, PATCH requests ).
- Effective inbuilt cache - control to handle response caching.
Request tracing for debugging.
Excels in the way responses are given back to you.
This version of Volley Demo Android Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Volley Demo Android Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.