Hemos conseguido una mayor compatibilidad con los dispositivos de menor resolución.
Substituye a los pobres topos del clásico "whack a mole" por estos trolls y ayuda a los gnomos.
No permitas que los trolls vuelvan a esconderse o perderás una vida.
Si no cometes errores en los golpes acumularás combos.
Suerte y diviértete!Poor substitute for the classic topos "whack a mole" for these trolls and gnomes helps.
Do not let the trolls again to hide or lose a life.
If you do not make mistakes in hits accumulate combos.
Good luck and enjoy!
This version of Whack Android Game comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Whack Android Game, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.