One of the most favourite games of the childhood is now in your smartphone! Welcome to "Words"!
"Words" is the most popular words game, but let's remind of the basic rules:
1. You have to use only nouns.
2. The next word should begin with the last letter of the current one.
What is the difference between "Words" and the game you played previously? It is still a game of words and rules are the same, but there are a lot of different vistas!
1. You have an opportunity to play three different modes: a singleplayer, a multiplayer and a Bluetooth game!
2. You have five fascinating game additions that can be setup beforehand:
• word length restriction - you are required to use certain nuber of letters;
• letters restriction - you are not be allowed to use concrete letters;
• a letter in the word - you have to use a specific letter;
• jumping timer - your step time can alter;
• and the most interesting addition - the word has to be finished with a specific letter.
3. You are given an opportunity to regulate round time and step time!
4. You can choose between two refereeing types: time or letters. There will be more types in the nearest future!
5. You can play in English or in Russian!
6. You can set the game on pause up to three times within the round! Moreover, you are able to use the game hints: one or up to three times per round!
In case you want to know more about the game, do not hesitate to read the game guide which contains the full information about "Words"!
NOTE: it can happen that your word might be not found in the game dictionary. Just write us and we will add it to the dictionary!
NOTE: if you find some bugs in the game, please write us and we will fix them immediately!
NOTE: if you have some suggestions, do not hesitate to write us - we will take them into consideration!
NOTE: you have to have Google Play Services installed to play in multiplayer mode. Conversely, you do not need them to play in Bluetooth mode!
We wish you good luck and we hope you will like "Words"!
"Words" have been published on 16.10.2015
This version of WORDS Android Game comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of WORDS Android Game, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.