HandHelp™ - Life Care is an emergency call app that provides optimal help for you and others worldwide in an emergency and alerts your existing network of helpers in seconds.
No matter where you are - without a call, language or knowledge of the location/language!
Install our app quickly and easily and see for yourself!
Click here for a short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf5QVqtouOM
If you don't have your cell phone or the app to hand in an emergency, we have a mobile emergency call button that is linked to our app - click here: https://uney.de
We offer a free & ad-free emergency call app here, which can be linked to our mobile Uney Button (emergency button) in seconds in the event of an emergency (highly recommended) - see: https://uney.de/uney-button
What information is sent to you and the people you trust?
- Your exact location + time:
Precise location, thanks to GPS, GSM, WLAN and optional beacons.
- The 5-W questions (who? where? when? what? how much?) including battery status
- Photo and sound documentation:
To preserve evidence, the app automatically sends an encrypted photo from the front camera, as well as 24 seconds of sound recording.
- Your personal emergency passport:
All the emergency details you have stored once, such as your blood group, living will, underlying illnesses, disabilities, allergies, medication, organ donor card, pregnancy, etc. (encrypted), are stored for optimized first aid.
HandHelp - Life Care combines GPS, GSM, WLAN, chat, (voice) SMS, e-mail, fax, video telephony, international emergency numbers from 212 countries as well as 216 embassies, foreign offices and consulates automatically in one app.
Our Uney Button combines 4 emergency call app systems in just one button!
In the event of an accident or a robbery (with just one press of a button), notify your stored network of helpers with a silent alarm. The emergency call app system is therefore an affordable alarm system for your home or business or your mobile guardian angel, no matter where you are.
Then choose our PRO VERSION “HandHelp”, which also alerts the police* and fire brigade* / rescue services* control centers in an emergency.
This additional service is only €1.99 per month in the PRO VERSION and can be tested free of charge for 7 days beforehand and can be canceled at any time on a monthly basis.
Search here in the store for HandHelp with the red icon or which other apps we offer.
You can find more information and set-up instructions here:
We have a granted European patent in the emergency call system:
EP 3010213
* The control centers in German-speaking countries (D, A, CH, LI) are alerted when the emergency call centers are activated in the HandHelp app (Pro version)!
This version of Emergency HandHelp Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Emergency HandHelp Android App, We have 10 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.