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You Are My Happiness | SFTH (True Story Novel)
Cerita di tulis berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi (true story | aka kisah nyata)
Original story by jayanagari (ID KASKUS)
Republish on android by danny778899 (kaskus ID) or twit @moreshare
Sebelumnya gue permisi dulu kepada Moderator dan Penghuni forum Stories From The Heart Kaskus Gue akhir-akhir ini banyak membaca cerita-cerita penghuni SFTH dan gue merasa sangat terinspirasi dari tulisan sesepuh-sesepuh sekalian. Karena itu gue memberanikan diri untuk berbagi kisah nyata gue, yang sampe detik ini masih menjadi kisah terbesar di hidup gue. Mohon maaf kalo tulisan gue ini masih amburadul dan kaku, karena gue baru pertama kali join kaskus dan menulis sebuah cerita. Dan demi kenyamanan dan privasi, nama tokoh-tokoh di cerita ini gue samarkan.
Orang bilang, kebahagiaan paling tulus adalah saat melihat orang lain bahagia karena kita. Tapi terkadang, kebahagiaan orang itu juga menyakitkan bagi kita. Gue egois? Mungkin. Nama gue Baskoro, dan ini kisah gue.
By jayanagari
Fitur yang ditawarkan:
★ OFFLINE (baca dimana aja oke)
★ Full Chapters
★ Fast Menu Selection
DISCLAIMER: Segala kontribusi, HAK CIPTA maupun isi yang terkandung didalamnya merupakan MILIK SANG PENULIS DIATAS, kami team moreshare hanya mempublish ulang tanpa mengubah isi sedikitpun dengan tujuan kemudahan anda dalam membaca isi novel di HH smartphone, jika ada pihak lain yang merasa memiliki kontribusi karya ini silakan email kami, akan kami revisi kepemilikan karya ini.
★★★★★★★★★★You Are My Happiness | SFTH (True Story Novel)
The story was written based on personal experience (true story | aka true story)
Original story by jayanagari (ID KASKUS)
Republish on android by danny778899 (DJ ID) or twit @moreshare
Previous I will excuse me to the forum moderator and Occupants Stories From The Heart Kaskus Gue lately a lot of reading stories occupants SFTH and I felt very inspired from the writings of elders as well. Therefore I take the liberty to share my true story, which until now still be the biggest story in my life. We are sorry if my writing is still in shambles and stiff, because the first time I join kaskus and write a story. And for the convenience and privacy, the name of the characters in this story I disguise.
People say the most sincere joy was seeing other people happy as we are. But sometimes, happiness was also painful for us. I selfish? Maybe. Baskoro my name, and this is my story.
by jayanagari
Features offered:
★ OFFLINE (read where just okay)
★ Full Chapters
★ Fast Menu Selection
DISCLAIMER: Any contributions, COPYRIGHT and content contained in it is OWNED BY THE AUTHOR ABOVE, our team moreshare only publish again without changing the contents at all with the purpose of your convenience in reading the content of the novel in HH smartphone, if there are others who feel they have contributed this work please email us, will be revised ownership of this work.
This version of You Are My Happiness | SFTH Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
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