Update to fix question visibility affecting some devices
Pass your water operator certification exam with the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Exam Prep study app. Study anywhere, anytime with 2,000+ practice questions and answers. Study on your phone, tablet, or desktop. When you login you will see where you left off.
Install the free version today and start studying on the go. The AWWA Exam Prep app includes a set of 20 sample questions.
Key App Features:
• Developed by water industry professionals
• See detailed answer explanations including equations and formulas
• Track your progress with detailed results and cumulative history charts
• Filter questions by subject type or format so you can focus your studying
• Shuffle questions to randomize the material
• Reset your progress after completion to start over
• See other AWWA resources, events, and courses that can help you study further
• Content on the app will never expire
• Sync your answer history across all your devices
With the AWWA Exam Prep app in your toolkit, you will have all the information you need to master your operator certification exam and kick-start or advance your career.
Have a question or would like to share your feedback? Please send us an email at awwa@amphetamobile.com.
This release of AWWA Exam Prep Android App available in 2 variants. Please select the variant to download. Please read our FAQ to find out which variant is suitable for your Android device based on Screen DPI and Processor Architecture.
If you are looking to download other versions of AWWA Exam Prep Android App, We have 6 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.