You are in a misteriously island after impact... mmm -I´m hungry, What happend now?
Classic Game in Honor to old littles machines,with style retro.
You need pulse fast the buttons...XD
Te encuentras en una isla misteriosa tras el impacto de tu nave... mmm -Tengo hambre. Que Pasara ahora?
Juego Clásico en honor a las pequeñas maquinas antiguas, de estilo retro.
Debes puslar rápido los botones...XD.You are in a misteriously island after impact ... mmm -I'm hungry, What happend now?
Classic Game in Honor to littles old machines, with retro style.
You need press the buttons fast ... XD
You are on a mysterious island after the impact of your ship ... mmm I'm hungry. What happens now?
Classic game in honor of the little old machines, retro style.
You must fast puslar buttons ... XD.
This version of CASTAWAY FROM SPACE Android Game comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
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