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Geschool Learn APK Download for Android
Geschool Learn 3.1 Icon
655 Ratings
Dec 18, 2017
release date
5.5 MB
file size

What's New

Unfollow Teacher dan School, Perbaikan Bug Profile

About Geschool Learn Android App

Geschool Learn adalah Applikasi untuk dapat belajar berbagai Materi dan Latihan yang dibuat oleh Teacher dan School secara Online dan Mobile

Materi terdiri dari suatu topik pelajaran. Tiap halamannya merupakan sub topik tertentu yang dapat dipelajari oleh User dan dapat menyatakan pemahaman pada tiap sub topik tersebut. User dapat hasil Rekap dan Analisis pemahamannya

Latihan terdiri dari per paket soal. Tiap halamannya merupakan satu soal berbentuk objektif yang dapat dikerjakan oleh User dan memberikan jawaban pada tiap soal tersebut. User dapat hasil Rekap dan Analisis jawabannya dan disertai pembahasan

User terlebih dahulu follow Teacher atau School agar dapat mempelajari Materi dan Latihan yang mereka buat

Untuk belajar Materi dan Latihan, klik + dipojok kanan bawah akan muncul list Materi dan Latihan Teacher yang telah di follow. Apabila belum follow Teachernya, Cari dan Follow

Untuk Belajar Materi dan Latihan dari School, setelah klik + dipojok kanan bawah, klik School dan akan muncul list Materi dan Latihan School yang telah difollow. Apabila belum follow Schoolnya, Cari dan Follow

Sebagai pengembang Applikasi, Yayasan Generasi Cerdas Mandiri mendirikan Sekolah Virtual SD Cerdas Mandiri, SMP Cerdas Mandiri dan SMA Cerdas Mandiri yang menyediakan Materi dan Latihan Percontohan
Ikuti Sekolah - sekolah tersebut sesuai tingkatannya, dan dapatkan ratusan topik Materi dan ribuan paket soal Latihan secara Gratis

Disclaimer :
Applikasi Geschool Tryout hanyalah layanan publik untuk User mempelajari Materi dan Latihan oleh Pihak Ketiga (Teacher dan School). Pengembang hanya bertanggung jawab memaksimalkan fitur - fiturnya agar dapat bermanfaat sebaik - baiknya. Segala hal terkait Konten tidak terkait Applikasi Geschool dan merupakan tanggung jawab Pihak Ketiga tersebut

Menu History merupakan riwayat dari semua Materi dan Latihan yang telah dipelajari oleh User. Hasil dan Rangking serta Rekap dan Analisis suatu Materi atau Latihan dapat dilihat kembali disini

Menu My Group adalah menu Materi dan Latihan yang disediakan oleh Teacher secara khusus pada User tertentu.
Kontak Guru/Pengajar anda untuk mendapatkan Materi dan Latihan Khusus dari mereka

Menu My Class adalah Materi dan Latihan yang disediakan oleh School dan Teacher di School tersebut khusus kepada User yang terdaftar di School tersebut
Kontak Admin Sekolah untuk mendapatkan Materi dan Latihan Khusus dari Sekolah/Institusi anda

Menu Program merupakan fitur khusus untuk berbagai Program Materi dan Latihan yang diselenggaraan oleh Yayasan Generasi Cerdas Mandiri

User Geschool Learn memiliki Profile yang dapat diakses publik dan dapat melakukan pertemanan dengan User lain untuk Integrasi dan Interaksi PembelajaranLearn Geschool was Applicability to be able to learn a variety of materials and made by the Teacher Training and School Online and Mobile

The material consists of a lesson topic. Each page is a sub specific topics that can be learned by the user and can be expressed understanding on each sub-topic. Users can result Recap and Analysis of understanding

Exercise consisted of a package of matter. Each home is a matter of objective form which can be done by the user and provide answers to each questions. Users can result Recap and Analysis of the answer and with discussion

Users must first follow Teacher or School in order to learn the material and exercises they make

To learn material and exercises, click + bottom right corner will display a list of materials and Teacher Training which has been in the follow. If not follow Teachernya, Search and Follow

To Study Material and Training of School, after + click the bottom right corner, click School and will appear a list of materials and Training School which has been followed. If not follow Schoolnya, Search and Follow

As a developer Application, Intelligent Generation Foundation established a Virtual Educational Intelligent Self SD, SMP and SMA Intelligent Intelligent Mandiri Mandiri providing material and Pilot Training
Follow School - the school at the relevant level, and get hundreds of thousands of packets subject matter Materials and Exercises for Free

Tryout Application Geschool only a public service to users learn the material and Exercises Third Party (Teacher and School). Developer is responsible only to maximize the features - its order to be useful as well - good. Everything related content is not related Application Geschool and are the responsibility of the Third Party

History menu is a history of all the materials and training that has been studied by the User. Results and Rankings and Recap and Analysis of a material or Exercise can be seen again here

My Menu Content menu and the Group is provided by the Teacher Training specifically on a particular user.
Contact Teacher / Lecturer you to obtain Materials and Special Exercises of them

Menu My Class is material and training provided by the School and Teacher in the School specifically to users who registered in the School
Contact Admin School to get Materials and Specialty Training School / Institution you

Menu Program is a special feature for a variety of materials and Training Program which diselenggaraan by the Foundation Generation Smart Self

User Profile Geschool Learn has a publicly accessible and can do a friendship with another user for Integration and Learning Interactions

Other Information:

Requires Android:
Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich MR1, API 15)
Other Sources:


This release of Geschool Learn Android App available in 2 variants. Please select the variant to download. Please read our FAQ to find out which variant is suitable for your Android device based on Screen DPI and Processor Architecture.

(Dec 18, 2017)
Minimum OS
Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich MR1, API 15)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)
(Nov 15, 2017)
Minimum OS
Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich MR1, API 15)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)