---3.01, 08 April 2014---
1. New layout! Now including a handy calculator by swiping right, and the ability to use the settings button to send values to the calculator or the GlycoCalc main page!
2. Can send feedback via email by clicking the menu button.
3. I'm working on an interactive help/tutorial.
Bug with terminal residue fixed
Now able to do addition sequences, instead of just subtraction! Just Long press the "calc" button.
Now made free!
Doing Glycan or Glycopeptide MS/MS fragmentation? Never reach for that calculator again!
It's here - the perfect aide for glycan/glycopeptide mass spectrometry! This is a tool that automatically calculates glycan losses for you. Give the free "LITE" version a try, and then buy the paid version if you like it!
How to use it:
1) Generate your MS/MS spectrum
2) Choose permethylated or native glycans with the "Perm" toggle button.
3) Type in the precursor mass, click "Calc" or hit enter.
4) The possible peaks are generated for you!
5) Tap the list of subsequent peaks to repeat the calculation with that new peak value.
6) Keep choosing peaks - the history saves the sequence for you (paid version)!
7) Determine the probable glycan structures from the history.
Paid Features:
*LacNAc, NeuAcLacNac, FucLacNAc
*m/z and graphical History lets you track the glycan sequence for easy sequencing
*Receive upcoming updates (inbuilt calculator, more combinations of saccharides, plant glycans)
This version of Glyco Calc Mass Spec Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Glyco Calc Mass Spec Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.