- Register to offer help to 'any area' in Chennai city
'iVolunteer for Chennai' app is an app-based platform aimed at connecting people who wish to volunteer to help rebuild the flood-hit Chennai city with aid-seekers and other agencies.
The app offers the following features:
- Help volunteers register themselves to offer help to the victims
- Help organisations and companies search and utilise services offered by the volunteers
- Help aid-seekers search for and avail help offered by the volunteers
Below are some of the key features available in the platform:
- The platform is app-based putting it right into the hands of the aid-seekers so that they’ll be able to use it when and where they need help.
- The form is deliberately kept simple allowing the users to fill in very few fields (the bare minimum information) to get registered to offer help.
- The aid seekers are exempted from registering themselves to search for and avail help.
- The platform plots the location details on a map that makes search (for the volunteer’s location) easier for the aid-seekers.
- The users are given options to manage multiple services (offerings), and also allowed to choose their preferred area of choice (for delivering help) for each of the services.
- The platform is ‘dynamic’ allowing the users to update their availability details either temporarily or permanently.
Here is an MIT post that features 'iVolunteer for Chennai’: http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/blogs/adminexplore/2015-2.html
For more information on 'iVolunteer for Chennai', please visit our website www.LateraLogics.com.
To share your feedback and suggestions on this app with us, or to build a custom 'iVolunteer' app for your city, town, or village for disaster relief and rebuild operations, please write to us at Arjun@LateraLogics.com
This version of iVolunteer for Chennai Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of iVolunteer for Chennai Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.