Added Agile, Srum and Scrum Master related details in Advance Topics
Improve you Java Knowledge.
Learn all Java Technologies and Java Frameworks in one App.
You can learn everything about Java. Also Java related interview questions and answers are there.
New: Added Docker and Kubernetes in the advanced topics.
We have tried to made a complete Java App with all required details about different frameworks like Spring, Struts, Hibernate, Junit and etc which are very much in use in industry now a days. Also we are constantly bringing new features in the App.
On play store this is the only app where you can get complete knowledge about java, hibernates, struts, spring, SQLs, threads, Collections, example programs, memory management and many more. Also there are java magazines provided.
Those who know Java programming they will enjoy this app.
This app contains industry specific framework and java technology perfect detailed information.
Java World contains following Java Technology and Frameworks
1) Core Java
2) Java Collection Framework
3) Logical Java Programs/Data Structure Programs
4) Everything about JSP (Java Server Pages)
5) All Servlet Topics
6) All Struts2 components and all Tags
7) Hibernate with Examples
9) Java magazines
10) Java Memory Management
11) SQL
12) Design Patterns
13) Web Service - SOAP and REST
14) Spring
15) Threads
16) JUnit
17) Mockito
19) Maven
20) Docker and Kibernetes
21) Angular
Java World is mainly for Experienced Java Programmers and Java Aware developers who want to improve their knowledge about Java, Jsp, Servlet, Struts2, Hibernate and Collection Framework, Design patterns, SQL. Also her you can get the latest advance technology concepts.
Also we have converted the Build tools. Further there is a Docker and Kubernetes also.
Java World also contains Java Interview questions.
Interview Questions sections contains various topics related Interview Questions and Answers.
There are Server and JSP interview Questions Answers, RMI interview Questions Answers, Hibernate Interview QA, Core Java Interview QA, Threading Interview QA. Also the java programs section contains various best logical programs asked in java interviews.
The Java Memory Management section is best for those who want to know how the garbage collector works in Java. What are the different strategy and different algorithms implemented for garbage collections.
Main purpose of Java World app is to provide a complete details about each Java Topic.
We have tried to cover all major java technologies in Java world.
Its not about Java Tutorial, It about Java perfection.
At many places in many topics you will get good examples with the characteristics of that java topic.
We are constantly improving this app, we are regularly adding new topics explanation.
Java world is a Perfect App for every java fans.
Keep enjoying.
If you have any suggestion and feedback then you can email us on
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