Home-Guard – Home screen Lock app and Kiosk functionality.
This is a very useful app which enables you to lock or avail only few application which you would allow to access your kids or staff.
Install this app.
Select the menu button from the top of the application (device menu will work)
which list as below
It redirect to the device settings
Home-Guard configuration (settings)
1. Enable Lock – tick to enable
2. password - password to unlock application(default password is 'password') user
can change the password .
3.Phone Number – Password recovery using phone number, user can set a phone
number and Password will send to the Phone number
4.email - Password recovery using email, user can set a email and Password will
send to the email (default email is ausupport@aucupa.com)
5. save and exit to set the lock
3. Clear – Clear the lock “Clear defaults”, help to set another launcher
4.Lock – Lock the application
Locking application
Select the list button which shows list the entire application in your device ,
Long tap the application which are you want to configuration .
After selecting the application press menu and tap lock
Press menu to unlock the application . User can give the password set before .
Password recover
Two option to recover password email and sms tic the option which you want to
use .
Get the password and unlock the application.
Home_Guard(Lock) - User guide line
1.Install the apk
2.Find your default launcher
• Choose settings, then Applications, then Manage applications
• Scroll through the list until you find the entry for your launcher, then tap to
open it
• Simply hit the "Clear defaults" button, and the next time you tap the home
button on your phone, the choice of which launcher to use has returned!
3.Select the Home-Guard with the always option(some device shows a check box in
choice tic that also)
4. Now the Home-Guard is set as your launcher.
This version of Kiosk screen & task lock app Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Kiosk screen & task lock app Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.