Added a link to the privacy policy on the initial login screen.
Landlord HQ has been built to assist UK based landlords in managing their property portfolio. It includes numerous features not found on any similar Android app:
- Completely free to use for an unlimited number of properties.
- By allowing you to import / take photos and attach them to specific tenancy details and maintenance work items etc, it organises your documentation for you automatically.
- Supports synchronising to the cloud to ensure you never lose any data, allowing you to transfer all data between devices seamlessly.
- Works online and offline. Add a gas meter reading and attach a photo as evidence, and then upload from home once wifi is available again.
- Paranoid about your data security. No photos or data are written to disk without using unbreakable encryption. It also uses a separate pattern lock feature so that if you ever lost your phone - all your data and photos remain inaccessible to anybody else.
The Landlord HQ workflow is that when you need to store more details, you can attach photos to it for easy organisation. For example if you add a new tenancy agreement, you can snap some photos of the contract for easy reference later. If you have some maintenance work done, you can take photos of the receipts or any communication for easy reference later. This helps keep everything in the right place automatically, and is something that no similar apps do.
Synchronising your data to the cloud is completely optional. You are requested to create an account for first login, as this lets us provide a remote encryption key so that the app never needs to store any sensitive details on the device locally. This ensures that should you ever lose your phone, it's impossible for others to recover your data or username or password.
For every property, Landlord HQ supports retaining details for:
- The property conveyancing
- Mortgage information
- Council tax details
- Tenancy agreements and tenant information
- Maintenance work and contact details for your tradesmen
- Your insurance policies
- Utility information for gas, water and electricity, and details for the supplier, as well as inspections and meter readings.
Landlord HQ is still being actively developed and we would love to hear of any more feature requests or enhancements. Please don't hold back in contacting us at !
This version of Landlord HQ Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Landlord HQ Android App, We have 3 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.