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• Support for ABZ, CBZ and EPUB 2/3
• Screen brightness control, color palettes
• Several new EPUB reader functions: better pagination, footnote detection, link target highlighting, double tap to open image fullscreen
• Customized screen zone actions and multitouch gestures
• Experimental support for FXL EPUB 3
• Major fixes to EPUB parsing and reading files from SD cards
• Other minor enhancements and bug fixes
Menestrello is the perfect app for reading+listening EPUB 3 Audio-eBooks.
Menestrello is the official build of Minstrel (http://www.readbeyond.it/minstrel/), the FLOSS hybrid reading app.
Menestrello is designed for EPUB 3 Audio-eBooks, that is, reflowable text and embedded, synchronized audio. Other formats (EPUB 2, EPUB 3 FXL, etc.) that can be loaded in the app are not officially supported.
To add an EPUB 3 Audio-eBook to the app you can copy the EPUB file into the //menestrello/ directory of your device, or you can download the EPUB in your browser and then select "Open with Menestrello".
You can download several EPUB 3 Audio-eBooks for free from http://www.readbeyond.it/ (no registration required)
Comments and bug reports: menestrello@readbeyond.it
Web: http://www.readbeyond.it/menestrello/
Help: http://www.readbeyond.it/menestrello/help.html
App Features:
• GUI Languages: English, Italian, Danish, French, German, Polish, Spanish, Turkish
• Metadata: display the cover and detailed metadata of your books
• Global options: plenty of settings, from UI appearance, to touch zones/actions, to reader behavior
• Keep device from locking screen: prevent device energy settings from interrupting your favorite stories
• Night mode: black-themed UI ideal for night reading
• Orientation lock: lock the device orientation (Auto, Portrait, Landscape)
• Change playback rate: from 0.5x to 2.0x, with rate-vs-pitch correction. (Available in Android 4.1+.)
• Background audio: keep listening while tweeting how awesome Menestrello is!
• Reading settings: adjust font face/size, background/font color, margins, line spacing, text transform, text align
• Fonts: serif, sans-serif, Amaranth, Andika, Avería Serif, Charis SIL, Gentium, EB Garamond, OpenDyslexic, TestMe Sans, TestMe Serif, and Volkhov
• Synchronous highlighting: adjustable style (background/font color, underline, font size, disabled)
• Tap-text-to-play-it: play/pause or seek simply by tapping the text
• Autoscroll: user can opt to have the text automatically scrolled while the audio narration plays
• Progress bar: seek the audio track, and scroll the text accordingly
• Audio bookmark: restart reading+listening your book exactly from the point you left it
• Footnote panel: open footnotes in an handy, scrollable panel at the bottom of the screen
• Image zoom: double tap on image to see it full screen; tap to close it or double tap to float it around!
• Ignore publisher CSS: do not apply the book CSS (experimental)
• Apply custom CSS: apply a custom, user-provided CSS (experimental)
This version of Menestrello Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Menestrello Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.