We adjust the position of the display.
Return colleagues or superiors and drinking alcohol when Moraenai quite aware of the taxi, etc. I have a dark avenue?
When you see off to entertain such an important, is not only aware Moraenai at critical times.
When such "taxi stop" is used, the UP could get much aware of the driver's cab.
I use and display the TOP screen first and then start the app. "Display screen attention," If you touch the button on the
You can send a signal even in the dark is a colorful screen with backlight and flash.
Also, good to stop a taxi, or when there is no home address has not come around too good?
The time for such "Show Destination" let's pre-set address] [destination] [Touch the button.
When I said pinch me to carry you home Misere to display the driver's home address in touch.
Some features in the free text into focused window. The Destination screen "to enter the display text," Touch your favorite characters
Please enter the. Typed characters are displayed in a brightly glowing screen.
This time the subject wore a taxi stop, Use this application are manifold.
Comparator signal of SOS · meet friends at the time of the earthquake, etc. You can use it to produce such diverse parties.
Please try to conform them to freely enter the characters shown.
"Taxi stop" if there is, I drink a drink without worrying about a fun way back.
This version of Night TaxiStopper Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Night TaxiStopper Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.