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Povesti Romanesti APK Download for Android
Povesti Romanesti 1.0 Icon

Povesti Romanesti

X3 Media Education
2 Ratings
Sep 16, 2016
release date
7.4 MB
file size

What's New

About Povesti Romanesti Android App

O aplicatie moderna de povesti pentru copii si parinti, prin intermediul careia sunt readuse la viata cele mai frumoase povesti romanesti ale copilariei, atat in format audio-video, cat si sub forma unei carti digitale frumos ilustrate.

Gratie tehnologiei, copiii pot acum sa porneasca intr-o calatorie fascinanta alaturi de personajele lor preferate, in universul magic al folclorului romanesc. Aplicatia in sine poate fi descarcata gratuit, fiecare poveste din aplicatie fiind achizitionata ulterior contra cost, din interiorul aplicatiei.

Despre povesti:
Povestile prezente in aplicatie sunt povesti romanesti autentice, din literatura si folclor, transpuse intr-o forma atractiva parintilor si copiilor deopotriva. Colectia de povesti este actualizata periodic, primele opere disponibile fiind povestile de Ion Creanga „Prostia omeneasca” si „Punguta cu doi bani”.

Moduri de vizualizare a povestilor:
Aplicatia va pune la dispozitie doua modalitati in care va puteti bucura de povesti: acestea pot fi vizionate in format audio-video, cu ilustratii atent animate si personaje interpretate de actori profesionisti, sau pot fi citite copiilor de catre parinti, in mod traditional, urmarind pagina cu pagina si vizionand ilustratiile care redau aventurile personajelor.

Despre aplicatie:
Aplicatia “Povesti romanesti” este disponibila gratuit pe Google Play. Dupa descarcarea aplicatiei pe tabletă, puteti cumpara fiecare poveste direct din aplicatie. Inainte de cumpararea unei povesti, puteti viziona gratuit un fragment din aceasta, atat in format audio-video, cat si in format text, insotit de ilustratii.A modern application stories for children and parents, through which are brought to life the most beautiful Romanian stories of childhood, both in audio and video, as well as a beautifully illustrated digital books.

Thanks to technology, kids can now embark on a fascinating journey with their favorite characters in the magical universe of Romanian folklore. The application itself can be downloaded free, each story being acquired subsequent application fee from within the application.

About stories:
The stories presented in the application are authentic Romanian stories, literature and folklore, translated into an attractive parents and children alike. The collection of stories is periodically updated first works being available stories Ion Luca "human stupidity" and "bag with two pennies."

Ways to view stories:
The application provides two ways in which you can enjoy stories: they can be viewed in audio-video format, with illustrations attentive and animated characters played by professional actors, or can be read to children by parents, traditionally chasing page by page and watching illustrations depicting the characters' adventures.

About application:
The app "Romanian Stories" is available free on Google Play. After downloading the application on your tablet, you can buy each story directly from the application. Before buying a story, you can watch for free a fragment of it, both in audio-video and in text format, accompanied by illustrations.

Other Information:

Requires Android:
Android 4.4+ (Kitkat, API 19)
Other Sources:


This version of Povesti Romanesti Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Sep 16, 2016)
Minimum OS
Android 4.4+ (Kitkat, API 19)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

All Versions

If you are looking to download other versions of Povesti Romanesti Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.
