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Prayer Times in Indonesia APK Download for Android
Prayer Times in Indonesia 1.2 Icon

Prayer Times in Indonesia

Wikima Tools
376 Ratings
Dec 14, 2016
release date
2.4 MB
file size

About Prayer Times in Indonesia Android App

Get all prayer times in all cities in Indonesia and stay informed with time of Fajr , Sunrise , Asr , Maghrib and Isha every day and list for the times of the current month.

The prayer times are accurate and identical to the schedules of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs.

The application is perfect for daily use prayer to know the schedules of all Indonesian cities. It is also an effective tool during the sacred month of Ramadan.

The interface is very simple (English , Indonesian) and displays a table summarizing the schedules of all the cities, towns and even some countryside.

The list of prayer times is available for the cities :

Ambarawa - Ambon - Amlapura - Amuntai - Argamakmur - Atambua - Babo - Bagan Siapiapi - Bahaur, Kalteng - Bajawa - Balige - Balikpapan - Banda Aceh - Bandarlampung - Bandung - Bangkalan - Bangkinang - Bangko - Bangli - Banjar - Banjar Baru - Banjarmasin - Banjarnegara - Bantaeng - Banten - Bantul - Banyuwangi - Barabai - Barito - Barru - Batam - Batang - Batu - Baturaja - Batusangkar - Baubau - Bekasi - Bengkalis - Bengkulu - Benteng - Biak - Bima - Binjai - Bireuen - Bitung - Blitar - Blora - Bogor - Bojonegoro - Bondowoso - Bontang - Boyolali - Brebes - Bukit Tinggi - Bula Sbt, Maluku - Bulukumba - Buntok - Cepu - Ciamis - Cianjur - Cibinong - Cilacap - Cilegon - Cimahi - Cirebon - Curup - Demak - Denpasar - Depok - Dili - Dompu - Donggala - Dumai - Ende - Enggano - Enrekang - Fakfak - Garut - Gianyar - Gombong - Gorontalo - Gresik - Gunung Sitoli - Indramayu - Jakarta Barat - selectedJakarta Pusat - Jakarta - Jambi - Jayapura - Jember - Jeneponto - Jepara - Jombang - Kabanjahe - Kalabahi - Kalianda - Kandangan - Karanganyar - Karawang - Kasungan - Kayuagung - Kebumen - Kediri - Kefamenanu - Kendal - Kendari - Kertosono - Ketapang - Kisaran - Klaten - Kolaka - Kota Baru Pulau Laut - Kota Bumi - Kota Jantho - Kotamobagu - Kuala Kapuas - Kuala Kurun - Kuala Pembuang - Kuala Tungkal - Kudus - Kuningan - Kupang - Kutacane - Kutoarjo - Labuhan - Lahat - Lamongan - Langsa - Larantuka - Lawang - Lhoseumawe - Limboto - Lubuk Basung - Lubuk Linggau - Lubuk Pakam - Lubuk Sikaping - Lumajang - Luwuk - Madiun - Magelang - Magetan - Majalengka - Majene - Makale - Makassar - Malang - Mamuju - Manna - Manokwari - Marabahan - Maros - Martapura Kalsel - Masamba, Sulsel - Masohi - Mataram - Maumere - Medan - Mempawah - Menado - Mentok - Merauke - Metro - Meulaboh - Mojokerto - Muara Bulian - Muara Bungo - Muara Enim - Muara Teweh - Muaro Sijunjung - Muntilan - Nabire - Negara - Nganjuk - Ngawi - Nunukan - Pacitan - Padang - Padang Panjang - Padang Sidempuan - Pagaralam - Painan - Palangkaraya - Palembang - Palopo - Palu - Pamekasan - Pandeglang - Pangka_ - Pangkajene Sidenreng - Pangkalan Bun - Pangkalpinang - Panyabungan - Par_ - Parepare - Pariaman - Pasuruan - Pati - Payakumbuh - Pekalongan - Pekan Baru - Pemalang - Pematangsiantar - Pendopo - Pinrang - Pleihari - Polewali - Pondok Gede - Ponorogo - Pontianak - Poso - Prabumulih - Praya - Probolinggo - Purbalingga - Purukcahu - Purwakarta - Purwodadigrobogan - Purwokerto - Purworejo - Putussibau - Raha - Rangkasbitung - Rantau - Rantauprapat - Rantepao - Rembang - Rengat - Ruteng - Sabang - Salatiga - Samarinda - Sambas, Kalbar - Sampang - Sampit - Sanggau - Sawahlunto - Sekayu - Selong - Semarang - Sengkang - Serang - Serui - Sibolga - Sidikalang - Sidoarjo - Sigli - Singaparna - Singaraja - Singkawang - Sinjai - Sintang - Situbondo - Slawi - Sleman - Soasiu - Soe - Solo - Solok - Soreang - Sorong - Sragen - Stabat - Subang - Sukabumi - Sukoharjo - Sumbawa Besar - Sumedang - Sumenep - Sungai Liat - Sungai Penuh - Sungguminasa - Surabaya - Surakarta - Tabanan - Tahuna - Takalar - Takengon - Tamiang Layang - Tanah Grogot - Tangerang - Tanjung Balai - Tanjung Enim - Tanjung Pandan - Tanjung Pinang - Tanjung Redep - Tanjung Selor - Tapak Tuan - Tarakan - Tarutung - Tasikmalaya - Tebing Tinggi - Tegal - Temanggung - Tembilahan - Tenggarong - Ternate - Tolitoli

Other Information:

Package Name:
Requires Android:
Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich MR1, API 15)
Other Sources:


This version of Prayer Times in Indonesia Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Dec 14, 2016)
Minimum OS
Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich MR1, API 15)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

All Versions

If you are looking to download other versions of Prayer Times in Indonesia Android App, We have 2 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.
