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report ID APK Download for Android
report ID 1.2 Icon
127 Ratings
Mar 01, 2017
release date
7.3 MB
file size

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- Register fix

About report ID Android App

Everybody is a Journalist

reportID adalah layanan aplikasi berbasis android yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk melaporkan berita kejadian / peristiwa yang terjadi di sekitarnya, dengan kemudahan dalam proses posting berita dengan ragam kategori. Aplikasi ini mendukung penuh citizen journalism dengan adanya reward dalam setiap berita yang diupload dan berita pengguna yang disukai dan dibaca oleh banyak orang.

Fitur-fitur yang ada pada Aplikasi reportID, antara lain :

Fitur yang menampilkan Berita-berita yang menjadi Headline dan berita-berita terbaru yang ter-update setiap harinya, dengan ragam kategori yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan informasi berita saat ini.

Fitur yang menampilkan berita-berita yang paling trend saat ini.

Menampilkan berita-berita berdasarkan lokasi terdekat dari lokasi pengguna berada saat itu, yang dapat dijangkau maksimal 30 km dari lokasi keberadaannya.

Fitur yang menampilkan berita-berita berdasarkan kategori, antara lain :

- Finance :
Berita & informasi terbaru seputar ekonomi, finansial, perbankan, dsb.

- Automotive :
Berita otomotif, informasi mobil & motor, review mobil/motor keluaran terbaru, harga mobil dan motor, dsb.

- Travel :
Berita pariwisata, promosi, pesawat, hotel, restoran, objek wisata, destinasi, tempat liburan baru, dsb.

- Entertainment :
Menyajikan berita & informasi selebritis, artis, gosip terkini, gaya hidup, shopping, dsb.

- Sport :
Berita olahraga terkini seputar sepakbola, bulutangkis, tenis, tinju, basket, MotoGP, Formula 1, olimpiade, hasil pertandingan, dsb.

- Health :
Ragam berita kesehatan, mencakup info seksual, cara hidup sehat, diet alami, dsb.

- Technology :
Berita terbaru seputar teknologi, software / perangkat lunak, sistem operasi computer, gadget & device terbaru, dsb.

- Food :
Informasi dan berita seputar kuliner, resep, review tempat makan, makanan anak, makanan sehat, dsb.

- Movie :
Berita seputar Film yang menyajikan kabar terbaru dunia perfilman, baik itu film Indonesia dan luar negeri.

- Politics :
Berita yang meliputi tentang politik terkini seperti peserta pilkada dan pemilu, capres, caleg dan KPU hingga pemerintah dan DPR, baik Nasional maupun Internasional.

- Music :
Menyajikan kabar terbaru dunia musik, lagu-lagu indonesia dan luar negeri dari para musisi terpopuler.

- Business :
Berita Terbaru seputar bisnis, investasi, pasar modal, pergerakan saham, dsb.

- Crime :
Kumpulan berita kriminalitas terbaru, cyber crime, laporan mengenai tindak kejahatan, dsb.

- Games :
Berita seputar game komputer, game konsol seperti Playstation Portable, Nintendo, XBOX, game android, game iOS dsb.

- Mystic :
Berita tentang dunia supranatural, baik yang berangkat dari budaya maupun yang terkait dengan dunia spiritual.

- Traffic :
Berita & Informasi seputar Lalu lintas terkini, kondisi jalan, kemacetan, kecelakaan, dsb.

- Social :
Berita sosial terbaru seperti bencana alam, banjir, longsor, kebakaran, dsb.

Fitur upload berita, baik berita foto maupun berita video, yang dapat diambil langsung dari kamera HP, yang disertai judul berita, isi berita, dan kategori berita.

Fitur radio online, dimana Pengguna bisa mendengarkan langsung radio reportID secara streaming dimanapun pengguna berada.

Radio streaming reportID menyajikan berita secara interaktif antara penyiar radio dengan pengguna, untuk melakukan pelaporan terkait berita atau informasi seputar peristiwa/kejadian, informasi jalan raya, dan lain sebagainya

Point-point yang pengguna dapatkan terhadap berita pengguna yang di-Post, di-Vote, di-Baca, yang menjadi Berita Headline & Berita Populer.

Pengguna dapat melakukan Penarikan (withdrawal) terhadap Point-point yang telah terkumpul tersebut, melalui Transfer Bank atau Penambahan Pulsa.

Fitur sosial media antar sesama pengguna, untuk mendiskusikan berita-berita yang disajikan pada Aplikasi reportID. reportID
Everybody is a Journalist

reportID is android-based application service that allows users to report news events / events happening around it, with ease in the process of posting the news to the various categories. The application supports full citizen journalism with their reward in any news story is uploaded and user preferred news and read by many people.

Features that exist in reportID applications, among others:

Features HOT NEWS
A feature that displays news stories that become headlines and latest news are updated daily, with a variety of categories that correspond with the needs of current news information.

features POPULAR
Feature that displays news of the most current trends.

features LOCAL
Displays news based on the location of the user's location is nearby at the time, which can reach a maximum of 30 km from the location of its existence.

Feature that displays news based on categories, among others:

- Finance:
News & latest information about the economic, financial, banking, etc.

- Automotive:
Automotive news, car & motorcycle information, review car / motorcycle latest release, the price of cars and motorcycles, etc.

- Travel:
Tourism news, promotions, planes, hotels, restaurants, attractions, destinations, new vacation spot, etc.

- Entertainment:
Provides news and information of celebrities, artists, the latest gossip, lifestyle, shopping, etc.

- Sport:
Latest sports news about football, badminton, tennis, boxing, basketball, MotoGP, Formula 1, Olympic games, match results, and so on.

- Health:
Variety health news, including sexual information, how to live a healthy, natural diet, etc.

- Technology:
The latest news about technology, software / software, computer operating system, the latest gadgets and devices, etc.

- Food:
Information and news about the culinary, recipes, reviews where to eat, children's food, healthy food, etc.

- Movie:
News about the film that presents the latest news of the world of cinema, both Indonesian and foreign films.

- Politics:
News about the latest political covering as participants of the elections and the election, candidates, candidates and the Commission up to the government and parliament, both national and international.

- Music:
Presenting the latest news of the world of music, songs Indonesia and abroad of the most popular musicians.

- Business:
Latest news about business, investment, capital market, stock movements, etc.

- Crime:
The latest set of crime news, cyber crime, reports of crime, etc.

- Games:
News about computer games, game consoles like the Playstation Portable, Nintendo, XBOX, game android, iOS games etc.

- Mystic:
News of the supernatural world, both departing from the culture and associated with the spiritual world.

- Traffic:
News & Information about Current traffic, road conditions, traffic jams, accidents, etc.

- Social:
The latest social news such as natural disasters, floods, landslides, fires, etc.

Upload feature news, news photos and news videos, which can be taken directly from the HP camera, which is accompanied by the headline, news content and news categories.

Online radio feature, where users can listen to live streaming radio reportID wherever the user is located.

Radio streaming reportID interactive features news between radio broadcaster with the user, the associated reporting of news or information about the event / events, information highways, etc.

features POINTS
Points that users get news to users on-Post, on-Vote, di-Read, who became News Headline & Popular News.

Users can perform Withdrawal (withdrawal) of Point-point has been raised that, through Bank Transfer or addition of pulses.

features COMMENTS
Social media features among users, to discuss the news presented on Application reportID.

Other Information:

Requires Android:
Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API 16)
Other Sources:


This version of report ID Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Mar 01, 2017)
Minimum OS
Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API 16)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)