Preloaded settings for WhatsApp Video Status Length Splitting and Facebook and Instagram Stories Automatic Split in just Single Tap.
Added new Sizes and video length options as per new Twitter posts settings.
Support for Custom length Video Splitting using manual settings of user defined choices.
Supports all Major Video formats saved by all major Android Mobile Phones and Applications.
Choices of Custom Video Quality and Size Types.
Split Large Video Automatically and Share Large Video Status and Story Posts for WhatsApp Facebook Instagram etc using this Free Android App.
When you have a Larger Video to share on Status that exceeds the length of allowed Video Duration, You have to split and share the video manually. That takes a lot of time and efforts and also is not accurate.
This free App helps you to Split your Large video according to your choice of Social media App and share the video slices in just single Tap. App comes preloaded with settings of Status sizes of Whatsapp Facebook and Instagram Stories.
Besides this, this App also allows you to define custom time duration video length and settings for splitting the video that you can share to any chat message app or social media website including Whatsapp Snapchat Twitter Facebook or Insta.
This version of Split Video for Status & Story Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Split Video for Status & Story Android App, We have 5 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.